Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Autopsy: icat-sleuthkit and ils-sleuthkit not found

Last weekend I started recovering a hard disk with pictures. While discussing it at work one of my colleagues pointed out that pictures are very valuable since they are unique. Most people can afford to loose their music collection and with a lot of effort recreate it but your holiday pictures and pictures of your dead family members are moments of the past.

Having no backup I had to do some magic. I imaged the hard disk using dd and imported the image file into Autopsy. With not to much trouble we had in front of us the data Autopsy was able to show us that the RAW-files were in the image.

When I tried to export the data though the download was always 0 kb, basically an empty file. After checking a couple of things it became clear that in the version of Kali I was running I got back

/usr/bin/icat-sleuthkit: not found

No worries, there was a file called /usr/bin/icat, so basically the solution was to make a softlink:

ln -s /usr/bin/icat /usr/bin/icat-sleuthkit

After that issue was solved I ran into another issue:

/usr/bin/ils-sleuthkit: not found

Basically the same solution applies:

ln -s /usr/bin/ils /usr/bin/ils-sleuthkit

1 comment:

Eliezer Perez Caballero said...

Muchas gracias, me sirvio de mucho.

Thanks you very much, it's working, :)